Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile

Every time I look at this picture I remember that day my boys came over to play. They and I had so much fun. I miss my boys....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 25: A picture of your day

Well there is no way I can take a picture of my day for I don't have enough time in the day to do everything I need or should do. Much less to try to take a picture of it all.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could change

Well that is another hard one. So after thinking about it I decided I would like to change my mobile home into a house with wood floors and an attached garage.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 23: A picture of your favorite book

Oh that's GHOST STORY! I remember reading this book when I was pregnant with my first back in 1977. I just could not put it down. Loved it just Loved it.

As you can see it was written by Peter Straub. The book is about four aging men in the terror-stricken town of Milburn, New York, an act inadvertently carried out in their youth has come back to haunt them. Now they are about to learn what happens to those who believe they can bury the past -- and get away with murder.

Peter Straub's classic bestseller is a work of "superb horror" (The Washington Post Book World) that, like any good ghost story, stands the test of time -- and conjures our darkest fears and nightmares.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at

Well that would have to be photography. I love taking pictures of almost everything. My only problem is understand the manual modes.

Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget

Well I have to say NOTHING. For all the things that happen in ones life time is what makes them who they are and to forget any of those things would mean you would have to forget who YOU ARE.

Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Well it really wouldn't be far to travel to. I would love to go to Bearskin Lodge. It is located in Grand Marais, Minnesota. To see other photo's of this area go to the link below.

Day 19: A picture of you when you were younger

This is me back in 1977 with my beautiful daughter Marina.

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity

Well I have a couple, but my weight is high on that list.

Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Well that would have to be my dog Sophie. She makes me laugh and gives me joy everyday.

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you

Well that is another one that is a bit hard. For I am inspired by many. People who do photography, those that sing, then theres those who can paint and how about those who can write. I may not know them, but they all who ever they are inspire me.

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die

I would love to be able to take grandchildren Trick or Treating and do many other things with them.

Day 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Well that wouldn't be just one person. I could not imagine my life without all of my family. For I need each and everyone of them in my life.

Day 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist

Well I can't think of any favorite bands.. I love Lady Gaga, Pink, Madonna, Usher, etc. I have a favorite group and they are the BLACK EYED PEAS!!!

Day 12: A picture of something you love

I love so many things. I love my family every last one of them. I love my dog and cats. I love all of nature and I love CAMPING CAMPING CAMPING.

Day 11: A picture of something you hate

Well I hate spiders... I can't even look at a picture of a spider. Charlotte from Charlotte's Web is as close as I can get to a spider without freaking out.

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with

That would be my hubby Jerry. We have been known to do some messed up things over the years.

Day 09: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Well that person would have to be myself. For I am the one and only one who has control over my life.

Day 08: A picture that makes me laugh

Any baby puts a smile on my face and makes me laugh. No matter what kind of baby it is.... :)

Day 07: A picture of your most treasured item

I have two. My grandmothers Bible and my fathers wedding ring.

Day 06:- A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

I can not think of one person to whom I would love to trade places with for a day.. but I can think of if I had to choice to be anything for one day it would be an Bald Eagle. For they can shore over mountain tops and see the world in a different light.

Day 05: A picture of your favorite memory

I don't have a picture of that memory and I don't just have one, I have 
four favorites and that would be the day I gave birth to my four children.

Day 04: A picture of your favorite night

I don't just have one favorite night, I have four and thats the 
night when each one of my children graduated from High School.

Day 03: A picture of the cast from your favorite show

The Big Bang Theory

Day 02: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

That has to be my husband. We have been together since 1976.

Day 01: A picture of yourself with ten facts

1. I am 53 years old.
2. I have been married since 1977.
3. I have four children.
4. I wish I could sing.
5. I love walking in cemeteries.
6. I want an Chevy HHR.
7. My favorite colors are purple and pink.
8. I love photography, camping and fishing.
9. I have two sisters, Marina and Zelma.
10. I am a DramaQueen.